Agricultural meteorological station
Evaluation of surface soil moisture of global products using measured data in different climates of Iran [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 127-146]
The effect of land use changes on soil organic carbon and determination of the affecting soil factors on it in a bio-sequence (Case study: Jazink region of Sistan plain) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 131-150]
Analysis of variance
Quantitative efficiency of composite plates in reducing evaporation from water surface [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 1-22]
Relationship between rainfall and groundwater level using time-lagged regression [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 27-49]
Artificial neural network
Relationship between rainfall and groundwater level using time-lagged regression [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 27-49]
Bandal-like groyne
An Experimental Investigation on the Effective Factors of Local Scouring Reduction around T-Shaped Bandal-Like Groynes [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 49-70]
Beshroyeh plain
Evaluation of the implementation of the restoration and resilience plan of groundwater resources with an emphasis on the installation of smart meters (case study: Boshroyeh Plain, South Khorasan) [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 161-171]
Bias Correction
Using of CRU and GPCC data base in the analysis of long-term droughts in the Urmia Lake basin [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 107-125]
The effect of biochar on some biological properties and available phosphorus in cadmium-contaminated soils [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 45-65]
Bio charcoal؛ Drought stress
Investigating the Effects of Biochar on the Performance and Yield Components of Greenhouse Cucumber under Water Deficit Conditions [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 165-173]
CA Markov
Modeling and predicting land use changes using Markov chain Model (Case study: Ghaleh Jogh, Torbat-e-Heydarieh City) [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 75-96]
The effect of wick and drip irrigation methods on yield and some growth traits of greenhouse cucumber in different soil textures [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 67-86]
Citizen Science
Assessment of flash flood hotspots through local knowledge and capacity for flood crowdsourcing [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 125-145]
Evaluation of surface soil moisture of global products using measured data in different climates of Iran [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 127-146]
CMIP6 models
Analyzing the effect of climate change on the trend of extreme temperatures along the coast of Mazandaran province based on CMIP6 models [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 1-27]
Composite plates
Quantitative efficiency of composite plates in reducing evaporation from water surface [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 1-22]
Cubist model
Comparison of pedotransfer functions based on machine learning methods to estimate soil moisture at field capacity and permanent wilting point (Case study: Ravansar District, Kermanshah Province) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 27-47]
Investigating the effectiveness of different types of conservation treatments in controlling the soil nutrients loss from sideslopes of forest roads [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 141-159]
Data scarcity
Assessment of flash flood hotspots through local knowledge and capacity for flood crowdsourcing [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 125-145]
Early-maturing cultivar
Investigating the performance and water productivity of wheat cultivars in different sowing dates and irrigation conditions (a case study in Gorgan Plain) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 91-110]
Electrical conductivity
Effect of burning wheat straw and stubble on water repellency and some soil properties in the fields of Dezful city [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 87-105]
Quantitative efficiency of composite plates in reducing evaporation from water surface [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 1-22]
EVI index
Evaluation of the correlations of plant indices with atmospheric and biological variables using the Google Earth Engine [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 1-26]
Investigating the effectiveness of different types of conservation treatments in controlling the soil nutrients loss from sideslopes of forest roads [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 141-159]
Assessment of flash flood hotspots through local knowledge and capacity for flood crowdsourcing [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 125-145]
Modeling the impact of water deficit on wheat yield under climate change conditions [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 71-89]
Fuel consumption
Investigating the effect of controlled tillage at black cumin (Nigella sativa) planting on energy consumption, physical properties and soil protection (case study: sloping lands of Hezarjarib region, Behshahr) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 151-166]
Gabion check dam
Investigating the performance of check dams in granularity of sedimentation in a watershed affected by debris flow (Nanor, Baneh) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 111-130]
Investigating the effectiveness of different types of conservation treatments in controlling the soil nutrients loss from sideslopes of forest roads [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 141-159]
Global product database
Evaluation of surface soil moisture of global products using measured data in different climates of Iran [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 127-146]
Golestan Province
Investigating the performance and water productivity of wheat cultivars in different sowing dates and irrigation conditions (a case study in Gorgan Plain) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 91-110]
Google Earth Engine (GEE)
Evaluation of the correlations of plant indices with atmospheric and biological variables using the Google Earth Engine [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 1-26]
Greenhouse ambiance
The effect of wick and drip irrigation methods on yield and some growth traits of greenhouse cucumber in different soil textures [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 67-86]
Growth stage sensitivity
Comparison of Water Uptake Reduction Functions in Water Stress Conditions, by Using the Constant and Separate Coefficients in Maize Growth Stages [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 23-44]
Haraz River
Monitoring the Spatial and Temporal Variations in Water Quality of the Haraz River : A Comparative Study of IRWQIsc and NSFWQI Index [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 147-157]
Heavy metal
The effect of biochar on some biological properties and available phosphorus in cadmium-contaminated soils [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 45-65]
HEC-RAS mathematical model
Investigation of the changes in the stream sedimentation pattern by creating a loop in the Karun River in the Zargan-Farsyat region [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 147-164]
Effect of burning wheat straw and stubble on water repellency and some soil properties in the fields of Dezful city [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 87-105]
Interaction effects
Quantitative efficiency of composite plates in reducing evaporation from water surface [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 1-22]
Intervention scenario
Predicting the effects of intervention scenarios in reducing the vulnerability of local communities in a flood zone (The Qarachai River, Ramyan-Golestan Province, Iran) [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 51-74]
Monitoring the Spatial and Temporal Variations in Water Quality of the Haraz River : A Comparative Study of IRWQIsc and NSFWQI Index [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 147-157]
Keywords: Climatic scenario
Modeling the impact of water deficit on wheat yield under climate change conditions [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 71-89]
KULTURisk approach
Predicting the effects of intervention scenarios in reducing the vulnerability of local communities in a flood zone (The Qarachai River, Ramyan-Golestan Province, Iran) [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 51-74]
The effect of land use changes on soil organic carbon and determination of the affecting soil factors on it in a bio-sequence (Case study: Jazink region of Sistan plain) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 131-150]
Land surface temperature (LST)
Evaluation of the correlations of plant indices with atmospheric and biological variables using the Google Earth Engine [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 1-26]
Land use
Modeling and predicting land use changes using Markov chain Model (Case study: Ghaleh Jogh, Torbat-e-Heydarieh City) [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 75-96]
Maximum scour depth
An Experimental Investigation on the Effective Factors of Local Scouring Reduction around T-Shaped Bandal-Like Groynes [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 49-70]
Maximum temperature
Modeling the impact of water deficit on wheat yield under climate change conditions [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 71-89]
Meteorological database
Using of CRU and GPCC data base in the analysis of long-term droughts in the Urmia Lake basin [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 107-125]
Microbial activity
The effect of biochar on some biological properties and available phosphorus in cadmium-contaminated soils [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 45-65]
Numerical investigation of the cross-section dimensions changes of the regime channel under steady and unsteady over-bank flows [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-26]
Comparison of Water Uptake Reduction Functions in Water Stress Conditions, by Using the Constant and Separate Coefficients in Maize Growth Stages [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 23-44]
Momentum Exchange
Stage-discharge relationship developing for multi-stage compound channels based on 1D and 2D models [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 103-123]
Multi-stage compound channels
Stage-discharge relationship developing for multi-stage compound channels based on 1D and 2D models [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 103-123]
Broccoli response to application of natural nanobiochar amendment, deficit irrigation and nitrogen fertigation [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 29-56]
NDVI index
Evaluation of the correlations of plant indices with atmospheric and biological variables using the Google Earth Engine [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 1-26]
Net economic profit
Multi-objective optimization of cultivation patterns with emphasis on economic benefits and ensuring food supply chain security
(A case study: Gonbad-e Kavus – Golestan Dam) [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 119-139]
Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm
Multi-objective optimization of cultivation patterns with emphasis on economic benefits and ensuring food supply chain security
(A case study: Gonbad-e Kavus – Golestan Dam) [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 119-139]
Monitoring the Spatial and Temporal Variations in Water Quality of the Haraz River : A Comparative Study of IRWQIsc and NSFWQI Index [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 147-157]
Nutrient elements
The effect of biochar on some biological properties and available phosphorus in cadmium-contaminated soils [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 45-65]
Broccoli response to application of natural nanobiochar amendment, deficit irrigation and nitrogen fertigation [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 29-56]
Assessment of flash flood hotspots through local knowledge and capacity for flood crowdsourcing [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 125-145]
Path analysis
The effect of land use changes on soil organic carbon and determination of the affecting soil factors on it in a bio-sequence (Case study: Jazink region of Sistan plain) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 131-150]
Investigating the effect of controlled tillage at black cumin (Nigella sativa) planting on energy consumption, physical properties and soil protection (case study: sloping lands of Hezarjarib region, Behshahr) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 151-166]
Effect of burning wheat straw and stubble on water repellency and some soil properties in the fields of Dezful city [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 87-105]
Plant filter
Evaluation of the effect of using artificial wetlands in domestic wastewater treatment [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 57-79]
Porous clay pitcher
Broccoli response to application of natural nanobiochar amendment, deficit irrigation and nitrogen fertigation [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 29-56]
Pressure relief valves
Effect of the Pump as Turbine Failure on Unsteady Flow in Water Transmission Pipelines (Case Study: Masjed Soleyman City Water Pipeline) [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 81-102]
Broccoli response to application of natural nanobiochar amendment, deficit irrigation and nitrogen fertigation [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 29-56]
Quantile Regression
Analyzing the effect of climate change on the trend of extreme temperatures along the coast of Mazandaran province based on CMIP6 models [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 1-27]
Relationship between rainfall and groundwater level using time-lagged regression [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 27-49]
Random Forest model
Comparison of pedotransfer functions based on machine learning methods to estimate soil moisture at field capacity and permanent wilting point (Case study: Ravansar District, Kermanshah Province) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 27-47]
RDI index
Using of CRU and GPCC data base in the analysis of long-term droughts in the Urmia Lake basin [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 107-125]
Resilience of water resources
Evaluation of the implementation of the restoration and resilience plan of groundwater resources with an emphasis on the installation of smart meters (case study: Boshroyeh Plain, South Khorasan) [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 161-171]
Reverse pump
Effect of the Pump as Turbine Failure on Unsteady Flow in Water Transmission Pipelines (Case Study: Masjed Soleyman City Water Pipeline) [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 81-102]
Risk-based flood management
Predicting the effects of intervention scenarios in reducing the vulnerability of local communities in a flood zone (The Qarachai River, Ramyan-Golestan Province, Iran) [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 51-74]
Sediment transfer
Investigation of the changes in the stream sedimentation pattern by creating a loop in the Karun River in the Zargan-Farsyat region [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 147-164]
Shastkalateh forest
Investigating the effectiveness of different types of conservation treatments in controlling the soil nutrients loss from sideslopes of forest roads [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 141-159]
Sistan plain
Effect of the amount and particles size of Conocarpus biochar on physical and hydraulic properties and evaporation from loam sandy soil surface [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 97-117]
Sloping fields
Investigating the effect of controlled tillage at black cumin (Nigella sativa) planting on energy consumption, physical properties and soil protection (case study: sloping lands of Hezarjarib region, Behshahr) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 151-166]
Small seed
Investigating the effect of controlled tillage at black cumin (Nigella sativa) planting on energy consumption, physical properties and soil protection (case study: sloping lands of Hezarjarib region, Behshahr) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 151-166]
Soil amendment
Effect of the amount and particles size of Conocarpus biochar on physical and hydraulic properties and evaporation from loam sandy soil surface [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 97-117]
Soil Conservation
Effect of the amount and particles size of Conocarpus biochar on physical and hydraulic properties and evaporation from loam sandy soil surface [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 97-117]
Soil improvement
Investigating the Effects of Biochar on the Performance and Yield Components of Greenhouse Cucumber under Water Deficit Conditions [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 165-173]
Soil Organic Matter
The effect of land use changes on soil organic carbon and determination of the affecting soil factors on it in a bio-sequence (Case study: Jazink region of Sistan plain) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 131-150]
Soil physical properties
Comparison of pedotransfer functions based on machine learning methods to estimate soil moisture at field capacity and permanent wilting point (Case study: Ravansar District, Kermanshah Province) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 27-47]
Soil stabilization
Investigating the effect of controlled tillage at black cumin (Nigella sativa) planting on energy consumption, physical properties and soil protection (case study: sloping lands of Hezarjarib region, Behshahr) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 151-166]
Soil waterholding capacity
Effect of the amount and particles size of Conocarpus biochar on physical and hydraulic properties and evaporation from loam sandy soil surface [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 97-117]
Spatiotemporal variation
Evaluation of surface soil moisture of global products using measured data in different climates of Iran [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 127-146]
SSM-wheat model
Modeling the impact of water deficit on wheat yield under climate change conditions [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 71-89]
SSP scenarios
Analyzing the effect of climate change on the trend of extreme temperatures along the coast of Mazandaran province based on CMIP6 models [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 1-27]
Stage-discharge curve
Stage-discharge relationship developing for multi-stage compound channels based on 1D and 2D models [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 103-123]
Strategic cultivation
Multi-objective optimization of cultivation patterns with emphasis on economic benefits and ensuring food supply chain security
(A case study: Gonbad-e Kavus – Golestan Dam) [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 119-139]
Stress coefficient
Comparison of Water Uptake Reduction Functions in Water Stress Conditions, by Using the Constant and Separate Coefficients in Maize Growth Stages [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 23-44]
Sub-surface irrigation
The effect of wick and drip irrigation methods on yield and some growth traits of greenhouse cucumber in different soil textures [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 67-86]
Supplemental irrigation
Investigating the performance and water productivity of wheat cultivars in different sowing dates and irrigation conditions (a case study in Gorgan Plain) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 91-110]
Support vector machine model
Comparison of pedotransfer functions based on machine learning methods to estimate soil moisture at field capacity and permanent wilting point (Case study: Ravansar District, Kermanshah Province) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 27-47]
Surface soil moisture
Evaluation of surface soil moisture of global products using measured data in different climates of Iran [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 127-146]
Analyzing the effect of climate change on the trend of extreme temperatures along the coast of Mazandaran province based on CMIP6 models [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 1-27]
The Qarachai River
Predicting the effects of intervention scenarios in reducing the vulnerability of local communities in a flood zone (The Qarachai River, Ramyan-Golestan Province, Iran) [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 51-74]
Transfer Function
Relationship between rainfall and groundwater level using time-lagged regression [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 27-49]
Investigating the performance of check dams in granularity of sedimentation in a watershed affected by debris flow (Nanor, Baneh) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 111-130]
Analyzing the effect of climate change on the trend of extreme temperatures along the coast of Mazandaran province based on CMIP6 models [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 1-27]
T-shaped bandal-like
An Experimental Investigation on the Effective Factors of Local Scouring Reduction around T-Shaped Bandal-Like Groynes [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 49-70]
T-shaped groyne
An Experimental Investigation on the Effective Factors of Local Scouring Reduction around T-Shaped Bandal-Like Groynes [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 49-70]
Evaluation of the effect of using artificial wetlands in domestic wastewater treatment [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 57-79]
Unsteady flow
Numerical investigation of the cross-section dimensions changes of the regime channel under steady and unsteady over-bank flows [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 1-26]
Unsteady flow
Investigation of the changes in the stream sedimentation pattern by creating a loop in the Karun River in the Zargan-Farsyat region [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 147-164]
Upstream areas
Assessment of flash flood hotspots through local knowledge and capacity for flood crowdsourcing [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 125-145]
Modeling the impact of water deficit on wheat yield under climate change conditions [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 71-89]
Vegetation cover
The effect of land use changes on soil organic carbon and determination of the affecting soil factors on it in a bio-sequence (Case study: Jazink region of Sistan plain) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 131-150]
Predicting the effects of intervention scenarios in reducing the vulnerability of local communities in a flood zone (The Qarachai River, Ramyan-Golestan Province, Iran) [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 51-74]
Water consumption
Multi-objective optimization of cultivation patterns with emphasis on economic benefits and ensuring food supply chain security
(A case study: Gonbad-e Kavus – Golestan Dam) [Volume 30, Issue 2, 2023, Pages 119-139]
Water consumption efficiency
Investigating the Effects of Biochar on the Performance and Yield Components of Greenhouse Cucumber under Water Deficit Conditions [Volume 30, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 165-173]
Water deficit
Investigating the performance and water productivity of wheat cultivars in different sowing dates and irrigation conditions (a case study in Gorgan Plain) [Volume 30, Issue 1, 2023, Pages 91-110]
Water drop penetration time
Effect of burning wheat straw and stubble on water repellency and some soil properties in the fields of Dezful city [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 87-105]
Water pollution
Monitoring the Spatial and Temporal Variations in Water Quality of the Haraz River : A Comparative Study of IRWQIsc and NSFWQI Index [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 147-157]
Water Repellency Class
Effect of burning wheat straw and stubble on water repellency and some soil properties in the fields of Dezful city [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 87-105]
Water requirements
Comparison of Water Uptake Reduction Functions in Water Stress Conditions, by Using the Constant and Separate Coefficients in Maize Growth Stages [Volume 30, Issue 3, 2023, Pages 23-44]
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