An article will be accepted for publication whose full text has not been previously published in any journal or submitted to other journals for evaluation. Articles must be in Persian, but the abstract must be in both languages. In manuscripts that have multiple authors, the order of the author’s names and rights will be the responsibility of the corresponding author. The author (s) are responsible for scientific content of manuscript. The journal has the right to reject, accept or ask revisions of articles. Review articles and books reviews are acceptable only from experienced researchers in that field.
A research article is an article that is the result of research and is based on the results of individual or collective research. A review article includes the evaluation and critique of writings that have been published in various scientific journals and books in the same field. In this type of article, the author examines the past research works to clarify the current state of the problem, and then expresses the existing connections, contradictions, and limitations, and finally presents his suggestions. Translated articles are accepted only if they contain a very important scientific method or issue. Each research article should have a title, Persian abstract, keywords in Persian, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, sources, English abstract and keywords in English and the following principles should be observed in it:
1) The title of the article should be short and clear and should not exceed 15 words.
2) Each article should have a file containing the details of the article, including the name and surname of the author (s), academic ranking and address in both Persian and English, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail.
3) Persian abstract should be separately including background and objective, materials and methods, findings and conclusions and all of it be in an A4 page (minimum 400 and maximum 600 words with line spacing one) with Lotus B font and size 11.
Background and objective
Materials and methods
Keywords: Please provide 3 to 5 keywords which should be given immediately after Persian and English abstracts.
Note: The abstract must follow the above format and its sections must be separated, ie first the background and objective: explanations are given and then the headline, materials and methods: explanations are provided and the rest of the sections are done in this way.
Note: Since when sending files, it is necessary to enter the abstract in the journal system, due to a software problem, it is not possible to enter more than 250 words in it, so to solve this problem, copy only a part of the abstract in the journal system and so do it
4) The English abstract should be a complete translation of the Persian abstract and extended (extended abstract) and at the end of the article after the sources with a line spacing of one should be considered and include:
(Background and objectives; Materials and methods; Results; Conclusion) (Format below).
Title: Times New Romans Font 12 Bold center)
Background and objectives: Times New Roman (font size: 11)
Materials and methods: Times New Roman (font size: 11)
Results: Times New Roman (font size: 11)
Conclusion: Times New Roman (font size: 11)
Keywords: Times New Roman (font size: 11)
5) Introduction should include problem solving, work history, and justification for the importance of research. The objectives of the study should be clearly stated at the end of the introduction.
6) Materials and methods, including tools, statistical design, data generation and research methods should be clearly stated.
7) The results and discussion will include research findings, reasoned discussion (with reference) and conclusion. The results and the discussion should be compiled together. Figures and tables in the results and discussion should not contain the same or duplicate information; the data in the table should not be duplicated in the form of curves or graphs (except maps).
8) Conclusion: The overall conclusion of the most important research findings should be presented in one paragraph.
9) If necessary, give thanks and appreciation to institutions and individuals under the heading "Thanksgiving" before the sources.
10)All resources are in English, in alphabetical order, the authors' last names and the names of the organizations. Refrain from referring to sources as "anonymous".
11) If the source of the published publication is the name of an institution, it should include the name of the institution, the year of publication, the title of the journal and the place of publication. For other cases, refer to the latest issue.
12) References in the text:
A: When the name of the authors are mentioned in the text, it is necessary to write the author's family name in Persian and the year of publication of the source in AD, and the source number should be mentioned at the end of the sentence (according to the example below). If the number of authors is more than two, it is enough to mention the family name of the first author and then "et al. (Year)".
B: When there is no need to mention the names of the authors in the text, only the source number should be mentioned at the end of the sentence (according to the example below).
13) Persian sources translated from foreign languages should be referred to as the translator, and after the title of the book or article, the word "translation" is enclosed in parentheses. Example:
14) Refrain from using foreign words other than scientific names in the text and if there is no comprehensive Persian equivalent, write them in Persian and the original word should be referred to the subtitle on the same page by mentioning the numbers without parentheses at the top and left of the word.
15) Scientific names (species and species, plants, animals) should be typed in italics or italics throughout the article and the author's name should be written in parentheses for the first time.
16)The title and information of each of the figures and tables should be written in both Persian and English. The titles of the tables should be written at the top and the titles of the figures below in the middle format. Avoid drawing any vertical lines in the table. In the tables and figures, the units of the studied characteristics in the International System (SI) and in parentheses should be written in English, such as (%), (mm day-1), (mg L-1) and (mg kg-1). Use English numbers on horizontal and vertical axes in shapes. Avoid using titles such as charts, photos, and maps and label them as "shapes" (as in the example below).
17) The text of the article should be typed in a single column with a line spacing of 1.5 and with a margin of 2.5 cm from the edges, and should be in maximum 15 pages with a half cm indentation at the beginning of the paragraphs and should be sent through the journal portal. . Typing articles is recommended in Word 2003 or higher versions of Microsoft.
Please include tables and figures in the text of the article and there is no need to upload a separate file. Each table or figure should be given in the text immediately after reference to it.
The font size of the different sections of the article is as follows:
Persian and English Abstract: B lotus and Times New Romans with size 11
Article text: Lotus B pen with size 12
Article Title: B Titr Bold and size 12
Subheadings or headings of article sections: B Mitra Bold with size 12
Persian title Tables and Figures: B lotus Bold and size 10
Words inside tables and footnotes: B lotus and size 10
Numbers inside the tables: Times New Roman and size 10
English titles Tables and Figures Times new roman Bold with size 10
English words inside Times New Roman tables with size 10
English words in the text of Times New Roman article with size 11
Sources: Times New Roman and size 11
18) The figures may be smaller for printing, so the text and numbers on the shapes should be large and legible.
19) Photos must be scaled and, if adapted from another source, must be mentioned.
20) Corresponding author of each article must be identified by the authors of the article before submitting. Therefore, any responsibility for the article rests with the correspondent.
21) MSc and PhD students are required to write an article coordination and advice on the article by the supervisor must take action.
22) This publication also accepts short scientific and technical reports that have not been published so far after announcing the opinion of the expert referee and approval of the editorial board as a technical report and short scientific notes for publication. Such reports will be printable in 3 to 5 pages (with the title of abstracts and scientific sources), while the general structure of short scientific reports is like a complete article.