A criticism to framework of groundwater resources reclamation and suggesting alternative method to the implement in Rafsanjan region around

Document Type : Complete scientific research article



A criticism to framework of groundwater resources reclamation and suggesting alternative method to the implement in Rafsanjan region around
History and objective: increasing trend of unsustainable operation of groundwater resources is one of the main problems in water ruling structure in Iran. Although international references reveal collaborative ruling and its dimensions as the solution of common resources tragedy, magisterial viewpoints based on detailed data and group main-idea are decided to encounter with groundwater resources problems. The aim of this study is criticism of this method and presenting another one.
In this view, imbalances existed in the ruling structure and in individual, local and top levels could be extracted.
Materials and Methods: in this research, focusing on problems of groundwater resources in around of Rafsanjan region, principles of the institutional framework are presented and implementing it on the region institutional manners are derived.
Three analytical levels are regarded in this study. In individual level, qualitative research method and programmed manner theory is used. In local level, quantitative and qualitative research methods are utilized to ecological effectiveness and institutional acceptance level investigation, respectively. Also in top level, using qualitative research method and analyzing written documents, pathology of the groundwater resources reclamation plan is done.
Results: the results show the per capita income decreases due to performing reclamation plan of groundwater resources in the around of the study area. when scheduling in replacement of beneficiary’s living is not considered, it cannot be expected to the plan aims turn to current rules and also there is a concern about social refusing which may cause failure of the plan.
The reason is low level of social acceptance facing with gardens aridity.
Nowadays, the area under cultivation is 8000 hectares which has high differences with the balanced value 4000 hectares. Becoming dry of more than half of the gardens in the study area is equal to miss the money and occupation in main section of social system in the region. Therefore, as long as an alternative method having low water requirement and suitable to water resources conditions in the region is proposed, social acceptance of the reclamation plan can be happened.
Elimination imbalance between individual and local levels is one of the main priorities in groundwater resources reclamation plan in the study region which leads to increase balance and finally the partnership level in implementing the proceedings of groundwater resources conservation.
Keywords: groundwater resources, Rafsanjan, groundwater resources reclamation plan


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