Comparison of Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) and Ant Colony Algorithm (ACO) for Optimizing Exploitation of Doroudzan Reservoir with Application Chain Constraints Approach

Document Type : Complete scientific research article



Optimization of the exploitation of dam reservoir is considered as one of the most vital problems in field of water science engineering. This problem has been solved through common optimization methods at present time. One of the most important approaches of optimization is the utilization of meta-heuristic algorithms. In this paper, the imperialist competitive algorithm has been used to solve optimization of exploitation from dam reservoir. The approach has been taken in this study is the application of continuity equation in order to determine the initial position of each country that is named as chain constraints. The results of applying the chain constraints and lack of application of the chain constraints have been compared and consequently these results have been compared with one of well -known Algorithm named as Ant Colony Algorithm. The results indicated that imperialist competitive algorithm without considering the continuity equation , rarelyable to find possible answer and applying the chain constraints to determine the initial position of countries, enhanced the performance of algorithm more efficiently and it leads to even better performance compared to ant colony algorithm, and find an appropriate value for the objective function, so that after running ten times, the mean for objective function for imperialist competitive algorithm was 15.822 and for ant colony algorithm was 48.008.
