3D numerical simulation of scouring around pier within a long contraction with applying numerical model SSIIM

Document Type : Complete scientific research article



Today Scouring is one of the important issues in the river engineering science. Determining the relationship between factors influencing the depth and the maximum depth of scouring as well as finding the governing function are some of the concerns of hydraulic engineering in which it is tried to find the numerical relationship between scouring depth as a dependent variable and the effective parameters on this phenomenon. Hence, a powerful numerical model is required for converting the complicated relationships governing on the phenomenon in to simple and solvable equations. In this research, the SSIM numerical model could properly simulate scouring at a pier within a long contraction. The results indicated that scouring at a pier within a long contraction can be minimized by increasing in channel opening ratio, increasing the size of sediment particles, choosing piers with properly shaped cross sections, and distancing piers from the contraction's beginning and lateral boundaries
