Variability of Main Unit Hydrograph Components of Kasilian Watershed in Different Effective Precipitation Time Bases

Document Type : Complete scientific research article


Tarbiat Modares University


The flood hydrographs preparation is essential in order to provide the necessary information for control flood projects. However, getting access to accurate flood information is too difficult and expensive due to practical problems and the lack of suitable hydrometric stations. In addition, providing and analyzing unit hydrograph is considered as a usual and useful method for flood studies in watershed scale. Since the theories of making and applying the unit hydrograph cannot be provided, the investigation on the effects of mentioned theories and especially linearity and time stability on the precision of derived unit hydrograph is important. In spite the importance of variability of unit hydrograph, there are a few studies in this field. Towards this attempt, this study has been formulated in Kasilain watershed with the aim of investigating the unit hydrograph variability in different effective time bases using the hydrograph and hyetograph analysis of floods reports recorded during last 33 years. So that the range of differences between peak discharge, base time and time to peak of representative 2h unit hydrograph and those obtained from 0.25 to 6h unit hydrographs were found about 0.75 to 281, 6 to 36 and 0 to 50%, respectively.
